How do you join 4-H?
Contact your local Cornell Cooperative Extension office. An extension educator working with the 4-H Youth Development Program will be able to guide you and your child to 4-H opportunities in your area.
How old do girls and boys have to be to join 4-H?
In Warren County 4-H club program is open to all youth, ages 5 to 19.
What will my child do in 4-H?
4-H members choose projects that interest them. New York State has more than 150 4-H projects to choose from. These projects are educational and practical. Your child may attend regular meetings, be involved in public speaking and community service activities, or serve as a club officer. Your child also may want to participate in county events such as 4-H camp or the county fair. Also, opportunities are available for trips to other states and countries.
How much does it cost to join 4-H?
Joining 4-H clubs costs very little. Individual clubs may charge dues to cover expenses, and some project areas, such as photography and livestock, may require a small investment for supplies and equipment.
We do not live in the county. Can my children still join 4-H?
4-H programs are open to all young people, no matter where they live. There are programs in every county in New York State, including New York City. Activities available for urban groups include exploring plants, drama, food and nutrition, entrepreneurship, photography, woodworking, leadership, and more.
When my child joins 4-H, do I have to become a leader?
Parents don’t have to become 4-H leaders when their child joins 4-H, but most leaders appreciate the assistance of parents or other adults. This help can range from being a project leader to driving members to activities, to supplying refreshments for a meeting.
Will my child be safe while in 4-H?
4-H Youth Development has a volunteer screening policy in place. Trips and activities are well chaperoned. Check with your local extension association for more details about this process.
Who sponsors 4-H in New York State?
4-H is an educational program provided by Cornell Cooperative Extension in each of the state’s 57 counties and New York City. Funding for this program comes from the United States Department of Agriculture, New York State, county government, grants and contracts, fees for service, and the New York State 4-H Foundation.
John Bowe
Executive Director
Last updated January 28, 2025