Logger Training. Cutting logs.
Image by Amy Sabattis

Logger Training

Game of Logging. Maintenance of a chainsaw.
Image by Amy Sabattis

Logger Training maintaining equipment.

Game of Logging Chainsaw cutting the tree.
Image by Amy Sabattis

Logger Training.

Natural Resources

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County is seeking those who are interested in forestry and/ or logging-related workshops. We offer workshops that are for general interest such as chainsaw safety (not intended for certification) and workshops related to forest ecology; including Mark Whitmore’s workshops on the Hemlock Wooley Adelgid.

In partnership with New York Logger Training – NYLT, we can also host the following courses: Forest Ecology and Silviculture, Chainsaw Safety and Productivity, First Aid and CPR (an OSHA requirement), and Game of Logging. These workshops are needed for NYLT Trained Logger Certification. For more information on New York Logger Training – NYLT, visit http://www.newyorkloggertraining.org/ .

For information on how to get discounted rates for logger training workshops, visit the Empire State Forest Products Association at http://www.esfpa.org/ .

*Some of our general interest workshops (ecology and First Aid) may be acceptable for logger certification continuing education credits (subject to New York Logger Training – NYLT approval).

Courses will be planned throughout the year based on need and participation levels. Please contact Dan Carusone at djc69@cornell.edu or call 518-623-3291 for more information.

Protecting and Managing Forests
Private landowners play a critical role in protecting and managing forests that cover over 525,000 acres. Forest lands, managed properly, can provide diversified value for wildlife, improved water quality, clean air, stable soil, recreational opportunities, scenic landscapes, and an increase in healthier trees, to sustain the future of natural resources.

In 2010, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County was awarded a grant from the New York Forest Owners Association to promote non-industrial private forests as a future for woody bioenergy feedstock. The funding for this grant was provided through the USDA Forest Service, Wood Education, and Resource Center. Specific tasks of the project were to conduct county-based or regional workshops; create a webpage for resource information, and provide resource information to forest owners. The grant was completed and information for forest owners and others regarding woody bioenergy can be found on the Cornell Forest Connect website.

Also in 2010, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County was awarded a second grant from the NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets through money received from the USDA Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). This allowed us to provide educational outreach information regarding invasive forest pests, especially the Asian Longhorned Beetle and Emerald Ash Borer, to the forest industry throughout the eastern region of New York State. Over the course of five months, outreach and education were provided to over 79,846 individuals through workshops, displays, woods walks, and resource material regarding invasive forest pests.


Dan Carusone
4-H Community Educator

Last updated January 28, 2025