small stream. Used on riparian buffer poster 2019-11. Used with permission
Image by Annie Bastoni, member of TC WRC

Plants along stream banks can reduce flooding, protect water & soil, and provide habitat.

Stream Buffers

Buffers are an effective tool for protecting streams, wetlands, and lakeshores. Collectively referred to as riparian buffers,  a swath of trees and shrubs adjacent to the water can improve water quality, and reduce flooding and property loss in a changing climate. 

The slides and videos below are from a  November 2019 training.  

“Riparian Buffers 101: Why are buffers important and how are they vulnerable?” SLIDES.
Riparian Buffers 101 VIDEO (20:50min) with Lydia Brinkley, Upper Susquehanna Coalition

“Ordinances/Site Review: Tips and tools to protect buffers at the municipal level” SLIDES.
Ordinance Review VIDEO (26:49 min) with Scott Doyle, Tompkins County Planning and Sustainability

“Watershed Planning: Ways to identify and prioritize stream buffers in need of improvement" SLIDES. Watershed Planning VIDEO (19:31 min) with Kristen Hychka, NYS Water Resources Institute.

Project Implementation: How to implement stream/buffer restoration projects and funding options available” SLIDES
Project Implementation VIDEO (23:44min) with Lydia Brinkley, Upper Susquehanna Coalition

“Case Studies: Lessons learned from stream restoration projects in Tompkins County” SLIDES. (Angel Hinickle is the only one to use slides).
Case Studies VIDEO (9:36 min). Angel Hinickle, Tompkins County Soil & Water Conservation District; Scott Doyle, Tompkins County Planning & Sustainability; and Lydia Brinkley, Upper Susquehanna Coalition

Panel Discussion VIDEO.  (no additional slides)


Dan Carusone
4-H Community Educator

Last updated January 28, 2025