Ice crystals on a window, January 2014
Image by Diane Cohen

Ice crystals on a window pane


Winter weather requires special driving precautions. Find out more here!


Winter Weather Safety

Cornell's Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) website includes winter preparedness resources, safety tips for winter, dealing with extreme cold, snow loading on roofs of houses and barns, attic condensation problems and ice dams, tree damage, and more.

Driving & Transportation

Winter Driving Tips, from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, covers what to check on your automobile before winter comes, items you should keep in your car, and what to do in an emergency situation.

Winter Weather

Cold Weather Pet Safety by the American Veterinary Medical Association, covers steps to take to keep a variety of different pets safe during winter weather.

Extreme Cold: A Prevention Guide to Promote Your Personal Health and Safety from the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is a 15-page PDF that covers planning for cold weather, indoor and outdoor safety in cold weather, and cold weather health conditions. Topics include: creating a winter weather survival kit, understanding wind chill, and recognizing hypothermia and frostbite and what to do.

FEMA's Guide to Winter Storms & Extreme Cold also covers what to do before, during, and after a winter storm, storm terminology, and more.

Winter Storms: Deceptive Killers from NOAA & the National Weather Service, is an 11-page PDF that explains winter storm terms and how winter storms form, includes a wind chill chart and national map of winter storm hazards, and includes suggestions on how to stay informed about storms, steps to take to prepare for them--at home, work, and on the farm, and how to create a family disaster plan.

Winter Storm Preparedness from the American Red Cross explains the difference between a winter storm advisory, warning, or watch; tells you how to prepare for a winter storm; covers what to include in a supply kit; and discusses how to remain safe during a storm, including being aware of carbon monoxide dangers associated with generators and other alternate sources of heat and light.

Winter Weather from OSHA covers hazards faced by those who must work outdoors in winter weather and ways to prevent "cold stress" and other health conditions.


Roxanne Westcott
Parenting / Community Educator

Last updated January 27, 2025