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Financial Resources

Credit Reports and Scores
Association for Financial Empowerment
Get a Free Credit Report Three Times a Year
Manage your Social Security Online
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Estimate Your Credit Score
How to Prevent Identity Theft
How long will it take to pay off your credit card?
Owning a Home
Planning for Holiday Spending
Consumer Action News (mobile payments)
Mobile Payment Security


Did you know that April is Financial Capability Month? To help you prepare for Financial Capability Month, we are sharing resources on the most common consumer complaints that we receive. Each day consumers come to the CFPB looking for answers to their questions about consumer financial products and services and to submit complaints when they encounter problems with those products and services. Debt collection, credit reporting, and mortgage complaints have been the most common types of complaints submitted by consumers in each of the last three years. The CFPB has resources for consumers on each of these topics.

1. Resources on debt collection

2. Resources on credit reporting

The CFPB has tools on credit reports and scores that you can share with the people you serve, including:

Where to find free access to a credit score: Handout providing information on obtaining free credit scores, and listing companies that said they offer existing credit card customers free access to one of their credit scores.

3. Resources on mortgages

The CFPB has tools on mortgages that you can share with the people you serve, including:

Buying a House: An online suite of tools and resources to help consumers navigate the home-buying process. The tools included in Buying a House are:

o The Loan Estimate Explainer helps consumers review their Loan Estimate and get definitions for unfamiliar terms.

o The Closing Disclosure Explainer helps consumers double-check that all the details in a Closing Disclosure are correct.

o Explore Interest Rates allows consumers to explore lending data from real lenders, updated every business day in the evening.

o The Closing Checklist helps consumers prepare for closing, one of the most important parts of the home-buying process.

o The Guide to Closing Forms provides descriptions of four important closing forms: the Promissory Note, the Mortgage/Security Instrument, the Initial Escrow Disclosure, and the Right to Cancel form.

Your Home Loan Toolkit: This can help homebuyers get the best mortgage for their situation, understand the closing costs and what it takes to buy a home, and a few ways to be a successful homeowner.


Roxanne Westcott
Parenting / Community Educator

Last updated January 24, 2025