Dairy cattle in the Cornell Dairy Research Center in Harford, NY (Cornell University Photography).
Image by Jason Koski

Dairy Resources

More than 60% of the county’s agriculture is dairy. Forages form the basis of its competitive position. Nutrition, reproduction, young stock, milk quality, dairy records, and engineering are all components of a successful business. In the past 10 years, NYS has increased production by 13%, Rensselaer County farms have increased by 52% due to the intensive Extension training programs and the Dairy Farm Business Summary which formulates a plan to advance for each participating farm.


Cornell University Pro-Dairy: a NYS dairy industry educational program, enables farm families and other agricultural professionals to realize their values and strive to achieve their professional and personal goals

Cornell University Dairy Management Program: Gain further understanding of the integration and application of dairy farm management principles and programs with respect to progressive dairying and related industries through Cornell's site

New York State Division of Milk Control and Dairy Services: This NYS Department of Agriculture and Markets website has a dual role to protect the health and welfare of the people of New York State and to help promote the agricultural economic development of the dairy industry through various economic controls and programs

Calf & Heifer Management

Raising replacement animals is the future production of the dairy farm. Animals must be healthy, grown quickly, and at a low investment cost to optimize the production throughout their lifetime.  To learn more read:

Pre Weaned Calves: Housing and Considerations

Role of Facility Design Ventilation on Calf Health

Dairy Nutrition

High-quality forages are our competitive advantage on the world markets. Dairy Nutrition focuses on utilizing these forages at the highest level to minimize the cost of imported grain and maximize herd health, and milk components.

Controlling Grain Prices

Growing Corn for Grain May Increase your Grain Bill

A New Piece for the Dairy Puzzle

Last updated January 22, 2025