A Trapper Education class will be offered as a joint effort of NYS Department of Conservation and Cornell Cooperative Extension Warren County on Saturday, September 14th from 9:00 am-5:00 pm. Space is limited to 20 seats and registration closes on Friday, September 7th.
There is no minimum age for taking the class, but youth 12 and over are required to purchase a trapping license, while those under the age of 12 may assist a licensed trapper 18 years of age or older and have 3 years or more of experience. The adult must have written permission to work with the youth.
The class is FREE and open to the public. You must bring your lunch, indoor and outdoor shoes, and clothing appropriate to the weather. HOMEWORK MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE THE CLASS. MANUAL AND HOMEWORK CAN BE DOWNLOADED AT THIS LINK: https://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/92267.html#Trapper Or, you may pick up the materials at the CCE Education Center, 377 Schroon River Road, in Warrensburg by Monday, September 9th at 4:30 pm. The CCE office is open 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.
To register, follow the link and scroll down to the class on Saturday, September 14th at Cornell Cooperative Extension in Warrensburg, NY. Follow the directions from there: https://register-ed.com/events/view/209217.
John Bowe
Executive Director
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Warren County
377 Schroon River Road
Warrensburg, NY 12885
Last updated August 26, 2024